Hearing Test -

Essence Audiology

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Hearing Test

Hearing Test Essence Audiology

Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids Essence Audiology

About Our Hearing Test Services in Albury and Neighboring Areas

Essence Audiology stands as a beacon of excellence, offering a cutting-edge hearing test for auditory health. We meticulously craft our services to meet the distinctive needs of individuals.

Our commitment to your well-being manifests in the thoroughness and precision of our assessments. Spearheaded by a team of devoted audiologists, we embark on a journey of auditory discovery with you, uncovering insights that pave the way to enhanced hearing experiences.

We recognize that the path to optimal hearing isn't one-size-fits-all; it's a nuanced journey that demands personalized attention. With this ethos as our guiding light, we are ready to lead you on a captivating journey of auditory discovery.

Together, we embark on an adventure that delves into the realm of sound, leaving no corner unexplored and no question unanswered.

What is a Hearing Test

A hearing or audiometric test is a diagnostic procedure used to evaluate an individual's hearing ability. It measures the softest sound an individual can hear at different frequencies (pitches) and determines the presence, type, and degree of hearing loss.

Navigating the Auditory Landscape: Unveiling the Purpose

Imagine a world where whispers and laughter fill the air, where melodies and conversations shape your experiences. In this realm of sound, a hearing examination plays a vital role—a window into the symphony of your auditory health. Let's start a journey to understand its essence and why it holds such significance.

  • Decoding the Whispering Frequencies

Have you ever wondered about the faintest sounds that your ears can catch? An audiometric test is like a detective uncovering these delicate notes across different frequencies. It reveals the softest hums, rustles, and chirps, helping us understand your unique hearing abilities. This isn't just about numbers; it's about painting a vivid picture of how you experience the world of sound.

  • Peering into the Depths of Hearing Loss

One of the critical goals of a hearing examination is to uncover any potential hearing loss. But it doesn't stop there. It delves deeper, classifying the type and extent of the loss. Is the delicate inner ear struggling (sensorineural), a physical hindrance in the outer or middle ear (conductive), or a mix of both? This detailed map guides us in tailoring solutions that perfectly match your needs.

  • Speech Amidst the Noise

Think about bustling cafés, busy streets, or family gatherings—where speech mingles with background sounds. A hearing test ventures into this dynamic landscape, evaluating how well you decipher speech in different scenarios. It's like a spotlight on your ability to catch every word and nuance amid the commotion.

Components of an Audiometric Test

  • Pure Tone Audiometry

This is the most common type of hearing examination. It measures the individual's hearing sensitivity at different frequencies. The person undergoing the test listens to sounds at different pitches and volumes through headphones and indicates when they hear a sound. The results are plotted on a graph called an audiogram.

  • Speech Audiometry

This test assesses the individual's ability to hear and understand speech. The person is asked to repeat words or sentences presented at different volume levels.

  • Tympanometry

This test evaluates the condition and function of the middle ear. It measures how the eardrum reacts to changes in air pressure and can help identify issues like fluid buildup, eardrum perforations, or blockages.

  • Acoustic Reflex Testing

This measures the involuntary muscle contractions of the middle ear in response to loud sounds, providing information about the inner ear and the auditory pathway.

  • Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs)

This test checks the inner ear's response to sound. Certain sounds in a healthy ear will produce an echo-like response that can be measured. The absence of this response can indicate hearing loss.

Understanding the Audiometric Test Process

The journey of a hearing test at Essence Audiology is a comprehensive exploration encompassing various steps, each contributing to a holistic understanding of your auditory health.

  • Initial Conversation

Before the assessment commences, our audiologist engages in a preliminary discussion with you. This conversation is designed to glean insights into your auditory history, lifestyle, and any specific concerns you may have. This forms the foundation upon which the rest of the assessment is built.

  • Ear Examination

Examining your ear involves using specialized equipment to visualize the health of your auditory canal and eardrum. This step is crucial in identifying any physical obstructions or conditions that might impact your hearing.

  • Auditory Tests

The heart of the assessment lies in a series of auditory tests. These tests are skillfully designed to measure your hearing thresholds across a spectrum of frequencies. Our audiologists can chart a detailed map of your hearing capabilities by subjecting you to various sounds.

  • Post-Assessment Discussion

After completing the tests, our audiologist will discuss the results with you. This discussion is pivotal, where the data collected is translated into insights. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature and degree of your hearing loss and potential contributing factors. Our specialist will also recommend the best hearing solutions for your condition.

Connect With Us Today

At Essence Audiology, we aim to illuminate the path to better hearing. Whether you're in Albury, its neighboring areas, or beyond, our doors are open to welcome you. Step into an environment where expertise meets compassion, technology melds with care, and your auditory well-being is our paramount concern.

Contact us at (02) 6060 2666 to embark on a journey that transcends hearing tests; it's a journey toward rediscovering the essence of sound. You can check about our hearing exams and hearing aids on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Main Purpose Of A Hearing Test?

A hearing or audiometric test evaluates an individual's hearing ability. It measures the softest sound a person can listen to at different frequencies and determines the presence, type, and degree of any hearing loss.

How Long Does A Typical Hearing Test Take?

A standard hearing test usually lasts 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the tests conducted and the individual's responses.

Do I Need A Referral From A Doctor To Get A Hearing Test?

While some audiology clinics might require a referral, our practice allows self-referrals. It's always a good idea to check with our clinic or audiologist beforehand.

Is The Hearing Test Painful?

No, a hearing test is a non-invasive and painless procedure. You'll only listen to various sounds and respond when you hear them.

How Often Should I Get A Hearing Test?

Adults should consider having a hearing test every three years if they're under 50 and every two years if they're over 50. However, if you notice any changes in your hearing or have concerns, it's advisable to schedule a test sooner.

What Is An Audiogram?

An audiogram is a graph that plots the results of a pure-tone audiometry test. It shows the softest sounds a person can hear at different pitches or frequencies.

Can I Wear My Hearing Aids During The Test?

No, you'll be asked to remove any hearing aids or other devices during the test to assess your natural hearing ability.

What's The Difference Between A Hearing Screening And A Hearing Test?

A hearing screening is a quick test to determine if someone might have a hearing loss. If someone fails a screening, the patient is typically referred for a full hearing test to get detailed information about their hearing.

What Should I Do If My Hearing Test Indicates I Have Hearing Loss?

If the test indicates hearing loss, the audiologist will discuss the results, implications, and potential interventions or treatments, including hearing aids, medical referrals, or lifestyle adjustments.

Are There Any Preparations Required Before Taking A Hearing Test?

Generally, no special preparations are needed. However, avoiding exposure to loud noises for at least 24 hours before the test is advisable. Also, ensure your ears are free of excessive wax, which can affect the results.


Judith Doughty

Essence Audiology has been my audiologist for a number of years.

I have always appreciated his quiet empathy, his professionalism as he answers my many questions and his willingness to discuss future options for me.

Catherine M.

Very competent and knowledgeable Audiologist.

I was made aware of all latest rechargeable technologies, I was made very comfortable to participate in the decision making process.

Best of all I was allowed to trial the hearing devices before I committed myself to the fulltime use and purchase.

Tiffany Smart

Took my young daughter in for a hearing test and the time and care that was provided, was second to none.

Absolutely wonderful!

David C.

Essence Audiology are great service providers. They have been highly supportive and responsive to the Hearing Aid needs of my family.

The team has been both kind and gentle with the testing of my elderly mother and been willing to make her life easier by seeing her at her nursing home.

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Opening Hours

Monday: 9 am–5 pm
Tuesday: 9 am–5 pm
Wednesday: 9 am–5 pm
Thursday: 9 am–5 pm
Friday: 9 am–5 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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